Month: March 2018

Happy Early π Day!

Happy Early π Day!

Apple…pecan…cherry…strawberry…key lime…peach…pumpkin…coconut crème…and, of course…Minny’s famous chocolate….PIE! With tomorrow being March 14th, you know π Day, I thought it’d be a great way to bake a little and send the Payaso to work with some delicious mini pies for his coworkers. Baking pies will always 

Sheet Pan Meal:  Sausage and Veggies

Sheet Pan Meal: Sausage and Veggies

Hola, hi!  Raise your hand if you’ve ever made a sheet pan meal before. Raise your hand if you became slightly addicted to sheet pan meals. Am I the only one with their hand still up?  I absolutely love making sheet pan meals.  There’s chopping, 

Instant Pot Beef & Broccoli

Instant Pot Beef & Broccoli

准备好中国菜!Zhǔnbèi hǎo zhōngguó cài! That’s supposed to be “get your Chinese food on!” Hopefully, iTranslate didn’t let me down. This recipe is Payaso approved and takes less time than ordering from your favorite Chinese restaurant. This recipe is totally doable without an instant pot.  I 

Egg Cup Muffins

Egg Cup Muffins

Awe, breakfast; the most important meal of the day.  Now I don’t know about you, but mornings are hectic in our household.  I’m generally out the door by 5:30 a.m. during the week, and the Payaso handles packing our lunches, tends to the fuzz balls, 

Pan Seared Salmon with Lemon Caper Sauce & Roasted Veggies

Pan Seared Salmon with Lemon Caper Sauce & Roasted Veggies

Lent is here, which means fish for dinner on Friday nights.  I’ll be honest, fish is something I’m always nervous about cooking simply because I don’t make it often for the Payaso and me.  Growing up in Nebraska meant dinner was red meat and potatoes, 

Cheesy Zucchini Casserole

Cheesy Zucchini Casserole

I have a confession…I struggle with coming up with side dishes worthy enough to be paired with dinner.  Steamed veggies are tasty, but they get old and often times lack flavor or fabulous-ness when they get placed on the plate.  The Payaso and I are 

Instant Pot Chicken

Instant Pot Chicken

Hola, friends!  It’s a brisk Friday morning here in Minnesota, and I can’t stop thinking about the dinner the Payaso and I had last night.  Super flavorful, moist, instant pot [whole] chicken and a zucchini casserole really hit the spot as we finish the work 

Sausage & Kale Soup

Sausage & Kale Soup

It’s March here in Minnesota, which means we’re prone to more snow.  We’re in the middle of a snow storm that could possible yield 8-10″ of snow.  The Payaso, who grew up in the Sonora Desert, Mexico, is such a good sport about living in 

The French Hen Cafe, Saint Paul, Minnesota

The French Hen Cafe, Saint Paul, Minnesota

I especially love the weekends because the Payaso makes me breakfast as I watch mindless TV in my pajamas (read: I watch Food Network and try to figure out how I can get my own cooking show).  We rarely go out for breakfast because he 

DIY Laundry Detergent

DIY Laundry Detergent

  About a year ago, I became obsessed with essential oils and “green” products.  I started making homemade air fresheners, carpet deodorizers and even laundry detergent.  Thank goodness the Payaso is a patient man! I tried a handful of different recipes from Pinterest, but I