Month: June 2018

Strawberry Cake

Strawberry Cake

Strawberries are starting to show their gorgeous red selves, and the Payaso and I couldn’t be happier!  We have a small strawberry patch in the garden, and I absolutely love when the Payaso comes into the house with a freshly picked mound of those glorious 

Strawberry, Rhubarb & Yogurt Popsicles

Strawberry, Rhubarb & Yogurt Popsicles

The Payaso and I are addicted to fruit filled popsicles lately, but dang, those things can be so expensive (especially the organic varieties)!   I started thinking about how I could make homemade popsicles for a fraction of the cost while knowing where the ingredients come 

Fennel Infused Rhubarb Spritzer

Fennel Infused Rhubarb Spritzer

This weekend was humid, humid, humid in Minnesota!  We had a few rain showers, and the heat and humidity made it unbearable to be outside for very long.  That gave the Payaso and me time to clean the house, indulge in some binge movie watching,  

Puff Pastry Cinnamon Rolls

Puff Pastry Cinnamon Rolls

I absolutely love weekend mornings.  The Payaso and I usually wake up around 5:00 a.m. during the week, so to be able to sleep in until 6:00 a.m. on the weekends is a big treat for us.  The pups always need to go potty and