Month: April 2018

Little Big Town – Thursday, April 5, 2018

Little Big Town – Thursday, April 5, 2018

Happy Wednesday, folks! Last Thursday the Payaso and I went to see Little Big Town in concert at Target Center.  We had tickets in the sixth row on the floor, and the view was absolutely amazing.  If you ever get the chance to see this 

Meatless Monday #2 – Mushroom & Leek Frittata

Meatless Monday #2 – Mushroom & Leek Frittata

Happy Monday!  Where did the weekend go?  Time flies when you’re having fun.  The Payaso and I had a busy weekend, and I think we are both feeling the effects of not having enough down time.  Maybe five things over the course of three and 

Chicken “Fajitas” Crock Pot Style

Chicken “Fajitas” Crock Pot Style

It’s finally Friday!  I’ve heard from some of you that you are looking for some more crock pot recipes from the Gringo.  Look no further because this one right here is not only easy, but you can use the chicken in all sorts of ways. 

Baked Chicken with Broccoli & Bacon

Baked Chicken with Broccoli & Bacon

Dear Mother Nature:  Please lady –  enough is enough.  We’re ready for Spring!  No. More. Snow!  Signed, Gringo and the majority of other Midwesterners. I came home from work yesterday, and there was the Payaso, bundled up like Randy, Ralphie’s brother in A Christmas Story, 

Let’s Celebrate | Banana Cake

Let’s Celebrate | Banana Cake

Hello, hello, hello… Today marks the one month-a-versary for Living La Vida Gringo.  What a month it’s been!  From learning the difference between posts and pages, how to embed a printable recipe into a post, and how to incorporate social media to bring people to 

Meatless Monday #1 – Moroccan Baked Vegetable Couscous

Meatless Monday #1 – Moroccan Baked Vegetable Couscous

I grew up in Nebraska where, as you can imagine, we ate a lot of red meat and potatoes, and trust, I’m not complaining.  As I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned to like all different kinds of meat.  For years I had heard about Meatless Mondays, 

Easter Ham Four Ways

Easter Ham Four Ways

Happy Easter, everyone! It’s hard to believe it’s already April 1st! Our average temperature here in Minnesota should be around 46 degrees, but instead, we woke up to a blustery 10. The pups had to put on their winter jackets, which caused some rather snarky