Tag: Breakfast

Rum Raisin Pancakes

Rum Raisin Pancakes

Where did the weekend go?  Why do weekend days go faster than work days?  This morning I whipped up a batch of rum raisin pancakes for the Payaso and me for breakfast.  We saw Bobby Flay make these pancakes on his show and I thought, 

Brioche French Toast with Pie Filling Topping

Brioche French Toast with Pie Filling Topping

It’s Saturday morning, and I’m making breakfast for the Payaso for a change.  We had some leftover canned pie filling from Pi Day, so what better way to use up the remnants than to make some french toast?  I guess I could have channeled my 

Egg Cup Muffins

Egg Cup Muffins

Awe, breakfast; the most important meal of the day.  Now I don’t know about you, but mornings are hectic in our household.  I’m generally out the door by 5:30 a.m. during the week, and the Payaso handles packing our lunches, tends to the fuzz balls,